
Connected with Federico Viticci, Stephen Hackett, and Myke Hurley - Listen

The podcast that came before BONANZA!, Bionic started as a show covering various technology and media ecosystems before... taking a turn starting at Episode 51. (There was no point in preserving the earlier ones. Trust us.)



#69: Excerpt From Homer’s Odyssey

November 26th, 2013 · 70 minutes

This week, Matt and Myke discuss recent developments to Vlcnr, the Xbox one and Matt’s experiences in trying to buy exotic animals.

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This week, Matt and Myke discuss recent developments to Vlcnr, the Xbox one and Matt’s experiences in trying to buy exotic animals.

Links for this episode:

Suspense Accents

Twitter / apalancat: @imyke yep, and it's open source ...

forgottentowel™ (forgottentowel) on Twitter

Ludicrously Plausible

Facilities — Vlcnr

Executives — Vlcnr

Vlcnr Studios — Vlcnr

Health and Safety — Vlcnr

D. B. Cooper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Matt on Stage

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