
Connected with Federico Viticci, Stephen Hackett, and Myke Hurley - Listen

The podcast that came before BONANZA!, Bionic started as a show covering various technology and media ecosystems before... taking a turn starting at Episode 51. (There was no point in preserving the earlier ones. Trust us.)



#77: Be A Small Dinosaur

January 28th, 2014 · 60 minutes

Myke shows off his ability to make dinosaur noises, Matt brainstorms the televised version of Car, Plane or Boat™, domain panic buying, and two important Vlcnr hires.

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Links and Show Notes

Myke shows off his ability to make dinosaur noises, Matt brainstorms the televised version of Car, Plane or Boat™, domain panic buying, and two important Vlcnr hires.

Links for this episode:

Carey's Voice Controls Garage Door |

Apatosaurus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jurassic World (2015) - IMDb

Wheels: An Inline Story - YouTube

Introducing The Weekly Briefly Podcast — Shawn Blanc

Zero-sum game - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Twitter / kumailn: Idea for a podcast: Friends ... - Domain Name Registration

New TLDs like .Shop, .Web and .Site are Coming Soon. Pre-Order Now!

Initiatives — Vlcnr

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