Conduit is providing the connection between what we should be doing and what ultimately gets done. Our hosts celebrate that they "Can" do it and explore the unique ways others do it as well.



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#76: Systems Check Spring 2024

May 30th, 2024 · 66 minutes

Kathy and Jay had a busy spring and their systems have been dealing with it to the best of their ability. Is Jay going to have to buy yet another notebook? How will Kathy‘s system hold up on the opposite side of the world?

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Checked Connections

- Kathy ✅🟨❌ - Make a cozy place to finish the project that needs to happen
- Jay ✅🟨❌ - give people the ability to come up with the ideas and support them in their ability to ideate/execute

Keep sending those MyConduit Connections to us on Discord and through Feedback!

New Connections

- Kathy - Journal daily, even in Taiwan
- Jay - Livestream twice in the next Conduit

For Our Super Conductors:

Pre-Show: Being Extra
Post-Show: Chia Pet Tier List


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