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#96: Body Grief

March 6th, 2025 · 44 minutes

Jay is gone, so Kathy brings in Jayne Mattingly to discuss Body Grief and how to support the world and take care of yourself.

Guest Starring: Jayne Mattingly

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Links and Show Notes

Checked Connections

- Jay ✅ - Booking doctor appts
- Kathy ✅ - Finish cleaning my office

Keep sending those MyConduit Connections to us on Discord and through Feedback!

New Connections

- Jayne - Take care and celebrate!
- Kathy - Sort through clothes

For Our Super Conductors:

Pre-Show: Introduced Jayne to the show and got started
Post-Show: My health update and getting a book published


Body Grief | Jayne Mattingly
This Is Body Grief by Jayne Mattingly: 9780593656792 | Books
Medical Gaslighting - BenBella Books