Why don’t the worlds of mainstream tech and accessibility tech ever seem to collide? Shelly Brisbin, who keeps one foot in each, wants to know. She and her guests from both worlds chew over the news and trends of the day, mixing in an accessibility perspective.



#11: Just the Accessible Tips

January 1st, 2019 · 19 minutes

Enjoy a few gifts from past Parallel guests. And as it turned out, there's great stuff for users of iOS, Android, macOS and Windows. And games!

Guest Starring: Florence Ion, Stephen Hackett, Jesse Anderson, Joe Steinkamp, Josh de Lioncourt, Darren Carr, and J.J. Meddaugh

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Links and Show Notes

Tips on the Show:
1. Joe Steinkamp on video game-giving
2. Florence Ion on Google smart display accessibility
3. Jesse Anderson on Windows Magnifier
4. J. J. Meddaugh on making email more accessible to readers
5. Darren Carr on automated page turning in iOS
6. Stephen Hackett on smart albums in Photos for macOS
7. Josh de Lioncourt on podcasting from your iPad