The Pen Addict with Brad Dowdy and Myke Hurley - Listen
June 4th, 2014 · 82 minutes
While Myke is away the kids will play! This week, Brad is joined by guest host extraordinaire Ana Reinert from The Well-Appointed Desk. They discuss a huge range of topics, including Cross pens, Kickstarter, specific pens for specific papers, and revisit
Guest Starring: Ana Reinert
While Myke is away the kids will play! This week, Brad is joined by guest host extraordinaire Ana Reinert from The Well-Appointed Desk. They discuss a huge range of topics, including Cross pens, Kickstarter, specific pens for specific papers, and revisit some old favorites. Thanks for filling in Ana!
Links for this episode:
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All orders over $75 after the 10% off will also get a free pen pouch. Although the coupon code will continue to work the free pen pouch offer will expire Friday 06/06/14 at midnight Eastern time