
The Pen Addict with Brad Dowdy and Myke Hurley - Listen

The Pen Addict is a weekly fix for all things stationery. Pens, pencils, paper, ink – you name it, and Brad Dowdy and Myke Hurley are into it. Join as they geek out over the analog tools they love so dearly.



#473: Nail Time with the Nib Doctor

August 4th, 2021 · 57 minutes

Brad upgraded this week and connected with Audrey Matteson, Franklin-Christoph’s one and only Nib Doctor. They thoroughly consider test driving the latest nail polish, and have a bonanza discussing all of the analog(ue) tools you know and love.

Guest Starring: Audrey Matteson

This episode of The Pen Addict is sponsored by:

  • Harry's: Quality shaving and grooming products, at a fair price.
  • Hullo: A simple, natural pillow designed for comfort. Try it for 60 days.

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