

David Sparks and Mike Schmitz are not nearly as productive as they’d like to be. Join these fellow travelers (and a bunch of special guests) as they share the best ways to get focused, and talk through their successes and failures along the way.

Guest Appearances

Departures #11: Relay 10 July 28th, 2024

Departures #8: Relay FM Host Balderdash II June 22nd, 2022

Departures #6: Relay FM Podcastathon for St. Jude (2021) September 19th, 2021

Connected #257: Relay FM Family Feud August 23rd, 2019

Departures #1: Relay 5: Family Feud August 23rd, 2019

Mac Power Users #424: Workflows with Mike Schmitz April 1st, 2018

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