Connected with Federico Viticci, Stephen Hackett, and Myke Hurley - Listen
November 12th, 2020 · 95 minutes
This episode of Reconcilable Differences is sponsored by:
His main contribution to theoretical neurobiology is a free-energy principle for action and perception (active inference).
Norman Lear's moving response to the recent presidential election.
Another election. A different result. Let’s talk around it.
Welcome to the post-truth world. You know it's not real. But you accept it as normal. But there is more out there. HyperNormalisation.
He argues that an army of technocrats, complacent radicals and Faustian internet entrepreneurs have conspired to create an unreal world
Our world is strange and often fake and corrupt. But we think it’s normal because we can’t see anything else. HyperNormalisation - the story of how we got here.
Divide and choose (also Cut and choose or I cut, you choose) is a procedure for envy-free cake-cutting between two partners.
(Yelling happened multiple times throughout the movie.)