Connected with Federico Viticci, Stephen Hackett, and Myke Hurley - Listen
September 2nd, 2022 · 81 minutes
We learn why John is still behind on his podcasts as well as why Merlin liked it better when podcasts were less…"professional."
This episode of Reconcilable Differences is sponsored by:
Things kick off with a brief debate on whether using things wrong makes you a hacker.
In Follow-Up, John has updates on that announcement about dropping a device in a plane seat, and Merlin expresses skepticism about announcements in general.
Then, there's some updates related to the prior discussion of performance reviews. Believe it or not, quantifying the unquantifiable is even more difficult than it sounds.
In our members-only bonus show: John has updates on Half-Empty Nest Syndrome.
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(Recorded on Tuesday, August 23, 2022)
The word "REPEAT" should not be used in place of "SAY AGAIN", especially in the vicinity of naval or other firing ranges, as "REPEAT" is an artillery proword defined in ACP 125 U.S. Supp-2(A) with the wholly different meaning of "request for the same volume of fire to be fired again with or without corrections or changes" (e.g., at the same coordinates as the previous round).
Merlin now owns two of these.
This is the "water landing" bit Merlin still somehow remembers 35 years later.
In conclusion, Helmuth von Moltke the Elder deserves credit for the words he wrote in German in 1871.