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John Siracusa and Merlin Mann try to figure out exactly how they got this way.



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#23: A Sprite Man

April 7th, 2016 · 130 minutes

The main topic is sense of humor. How, where, when, and from whom did the boys learn what make them laugh? How come British things seem extra funny? Why does Lisa need braces?

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Links and Show Notes

This week, things kick off with a lively discussion of ASMR, furries, bronies, juggaloes, some more car talk, teenaged drinking, and John’s libido.

The main topic is sense of humor. How, where, when, and from whom did the boys learn what makes them laugh? How come British things seem extra funny? Why does Lisa need braces? How did the Harlem Globetrotters get away with using a ladder? Does she go? Eh?

Autonomous sensory meridian response - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Juggalo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Troy Meets Levar Burton - YouTube
Hudson & Landry - Obscene Phone Bust - YouTube
Ep. 193: "Oklahoma the Sex Cat" - Roderick on the Line - Merlin Mann
Monty Python - Four Yorkshiremen - YouTube
Paraphilia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia