Connected with Federico Viticci, Stephen Hackett, and Myke Hurley - Listen
June 2nd, 2016 · 100 minutes
Things really kick into high gear as your hosts finally (FINALLY) go toe-to-toe on the hot topic of iOS app quitting. Why Merlin is so mad at John and why John insists Merlin is still wrong.
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This week opens with John's meditation on pronunciation, accents, and the gradual disappearance of America's once-diverse tapestry of vowel sounds. This somehow leads to a rueful examination of the modern media landscape, focusing on the Big Black Box where all the ugly and capricious business of media distribution probably gets decided.
Merlin confesses his existential dread about appearing on The Incomparable then happily names names regarding his picks for a non-existent Favorite Hosts draft.
Then? Then, things get oddly reconciled as the gloves come off and the boys start tag-teaming on Apple's buggy and broken services, with especially strategic kicks to the biscuit reserved for those inscrutable requests for iCloud logins to which so many fans are treated throughout the working day.
What's it going to take to shore up dwindling confidence and frayed credibility? Why are Google and Dropbox so much better at getting this stuff right? And, when the heck will there finally be enough time to talk about Free Will?