Connected with Federico Viticci, Stephen Hackett, and Myke Hurley - Listen
July 27th, 2017 · 129 minutes
This week's main topic is "Taking Care of Things."
This episode of Reconcilable Differences is sponsored by:
This week kicks off with Merlin walking John through his exciting new nap workflow. John has significant safety concerns. In dog news, it seems Daisy has discovered toilet paper.
This week’s accidental main topic finds your hosts ending up talking a lot about 80s Music. Why are all the lyrics sites wrong? U2 vs. R.E.M.? How even would you make a radio mixtape? Is it really just a matter of trust?
How did John get so careful with his stuff, and what exactly would happen if water dribbled on Merlin’s signed FF #1 with baby variant cover? Should spilt milk make anyone cry, and why is there rice everywhere?
The TV has a three-foot perimeter, but the plastic runner has been taken up for one day, because Jesus.
(Recorded on Thursday, July 11, 2017.)
More than 1,500 years ago, North African immigrants brought rice to Spain, where the crop thrived. It wasn’t long before Spanish cooks were simmering rice with onions, bell pepper, garlic and tomatoes to create what is known in the U.S. as Spanish rice.
American writer Sylvia Wright coined the term in 1954, writing about how as a girl she had misheard the lyric "...and laid him on the green" in a Scottish ballad as "...and Lady Mondegreen".
The Problem: He made his bones to Jefferson Airplane.
This week, Myke talks to John Siracusa about 'Achtung Baby', by U2.
Matt! Fraction!