Converting paper books to ebooks, a requiem for The Shack, Apple's worst product, and self-driving Ubers.
Apple's huge quarterly results, the psychology of Kickstarter, Microsoft's holograms, and technology that cures life's annoyances.
Wireless charging, the future of hybrid devices, getting stuck in a tech rut, and pondering the humble stylus.
Apple's endless quest for thinner and lighter devices, Faux Apple Watches at CES and the rise of Apple Watch fever, the final destination of the iPod touch, and an era ends at the iTunes Store.
12-inch MacBook rumors, why tech hipsters hate on Facebook, selling you a new TV, and the relevance of CES.
In this plus-sized year-end edition, Philip Michaels returns to steal the show from Dan and Jason and force them to compete for points for their punditry.
Excitement for 2015 technology, Apple OS features we don't use, a requiem for old media, and the Sony leaks.
Apple's App Store rejections, early video game memories, Siri on the desktop, and why we should care about Net Neutrality.
Automating boring tasks, holiday shopping lists, favorite subscription services, and buying cheap tech accessories.
Our backup strategies, subscription services for apps, the death of the tablet, and electric cars.