This week Myke is joined by Don McAllister. They talk about how Don has grown ScreenCastsOnline over the years, the amount of work that goes in to creating the screencasts and some of the ways he has gone about creating a sustainable business.
This week Myke is joined by Shawn Blanc. They talk about the newly relaunched, how Shawn manages his many projects and how he keeps his cool when launching things to the world.
This time Myke is joined by Matthew Bischoff. They talk about the work he's been doing at Tumblr and Lickability, some of the enhancements and limitations of iOS 8 and taking a gamble with screen sizes.
This week Myke is joined by Tom Merritt. They discuss Tom's first year as an independent podcaster and what it's like to be fully supported by his Patreon subscribers.
This week Myke is joined by David Barnard. They talk about what it's like to be an independent developer dealing with the uncertainty of the app store, building for a new OS and the impact of new hardware releases.
This week Myke is joined by Jean Macdonald. They talk about Jean's history at Smile, before moving on to discuss the incredible work she is doing with App Camp for Girls.
This week Myke is joined by Dan Provost and Tom Gerhardt of Studio Neat. They talk about the process of creating physical products, managing Kickstarter projects and the pitfalls in-between.
This week Myke is joined by Jason Snell. They talk about the behind the scenes magic of podcast production, where the medium is moving to and how it compares to the rise of blogging.
This week Myke is joined by Marco Arment. They talk about the development and testing process of Overcast, Marco's take on opinionated design, his changing place in the podcast industry and his feelings about releasing the app to the world.