Clockwise with Dan Moren and Mikah Sargent - Listen
Maia and Aleen talk about LEGO, LEGO, and LEGO! Also gender representation in the toy aisle, diversity, and feminism.
Joe and Aleen discuss the Supreme Court’s ruling on same gender marriage, the impact of rainbow profile pictures, and equality in Hollywood.
Mollie and Aleen talk about standing out in a crowd, Press XY, and trans representation in video games.
Steve and Aleen talk about being diagnosed with ADD as an adult, Splatoon, Dunkin' Donuts, and dad jokes.
Stephanie and Aleen talk about intersectional feminism and how to help women of color in tech, social media, and more!
Rin and Aleen talk about writing a novel, representation, and spoon theory.
Shareef and Aleen talk about taking on too much, geeky conventions, and privlige.
Anne and Aleen talk about Anne's rise to Internet prominence, book writing, feminism, rape culture, and marriage equality.
Ashley and Aleen talk about games, games writing, attending conferences, and being called out when we make mistakes.
Kiva and Aleen talk about Feminist Deck, being empathetic, and overcoming adversity.