It is most certainly a slice of pie this week as Andy and Flo recap their time with Android 9.
This week, Android P is officially Android Pie, but not until Flo and Andy discuss the weather—as they have in every single episode since summer began. Man, it's a hot one!
Andy and Flo have plenty to say this week, as they do every week. Because there's so much going on in the world of Google.
We're posting the podcast a little later this week because Flo was too busy enjoying her new Lenovo Smart Display.
Andy and Flo break down the $5 Billion anti-trust fine against Google by the EU.
We're not feeling vengeful right now, but we are feeling rambly.
We are posting a day late this week, but it's just in time to catch you headed into the weekend!
Andy and Flo have finally figured out how to use Android Messages on the web. And they're better off for it.
Like in Waiting for Godot, does it ever feel like you're just waiting for Google to figure out its app trajectory?
Andy and Flo wish they were playing outside.