Today dear listener we go all Santa Clause on your heinies and bring you a special post I/O episode featuring some interviews we recorded live from the event.
This week the Material Crew are joined by two Senior Designers and Prototypers from the Google VR Daydream team. Where did this interesting new project come from, and where is it going? Tune in to find out!
Russell and Yasmine brave the heat at Google I/O to bring you the latest news from the ground. Meanwhile Andy (to ensure no one can take out the entire Material Crew in one go) remains steadfastly at home in air conditioned comfort.
Russell gives listenerds the shirt off his back. Yasmine has stickers. Andy auditions for Google's new Romance AI 3000 position. I/O is coming, unlike winter, which apparently isn't. Yeah we also mention nutties, AGAIN. #dealwithit #sorrynotsorry
Andy shoots up a wedding. Yasmine hunts for her lost nutties. It begins to dawn on Russell that he's now the least professional host on this show. In Google land: onHub updates, Camera updates, Keyboard updates, even your ex now updates.
Andy has a secret package he opens live on air. Yasmine tips her hat to two podcasting greats. Russell makes a horrible joke at the end of the show. That's right kids, it's this weeks episode of your 2nd favourite podcast, Material!
Material shirts from material purchased with your material start to materialise onto people's chests. Andy dives deeper into Airplay. Russell moves into a new paper based home. Yasmine wants to watch the world burn. Also Google Play Podcasts.
Yasmine outlines her next demand of Google. Andy gets creepy with a metronome. Russell dreams of scaling mountains. Then of course there's the HTC 10, Android Wear watch faces and Google's renewed push into accessibility.
The Power of Material is proven, as Google bows to Yasmine's will. We discover Andy has a podcast about Hamilton. Russell brags that he totally gets exercise and stuff. And of course we discuss Google, and their amazing track record at buying companies.
Yasmine isn't crying, it's just been raining on her face. Could it be that Russell will end up making Lasagna for one at Google I/O? Andy is unsurprisingly excited about camera filters.