Material is a weekly discussion about the Google and Android universe. Your intrepid hosts try to answer the question, “What holds up the digital world?” The answer, so far, is that it’s Google all the way down.



Latest Episodes

#2: Wear a Fit Cat Rocket Ship

July 9th, 2015 · 53 minutes

This week our hosts explore the world of wearables, specifically Android Wear watches. They manage to do so without using a single watch pun, which, you have to hand it to them is quite impressive!

#1: Switcheroo

July 2nd, 2015 · 44 minutes

In episode 1 Andy, Russell and Yasmine explore what enticed them switch to Android, what keeps them there and the role koala's with spy skills play in global espionage.

#0: The Google Car is Coming... For You

July 2nd, 2015 · 40 minutes

In this bonus episode you can find out more about our hosts, their phone histories and how Google will finally come for us all.