Dan Moren drops in to chat about his experience publishing his first novel. We talk about all aspects of writing a book, including planning, writing, finding and working with a publisher and marketing his book after publication.
In this episode, prominent App developers Ken Case, Greg Scown, and Dave Teare join us to talk about the future of macOS and iOS along with a few thoughts on the software business in 2017.
Following-up on our recent episode featuring utilities for the Mac; David and Katie decide to dive deep this week into their must-have utilities for iOS.
Artist and geek Jason Kimes shares his favorite technologies and workflows for creating his sculptures.
Brett Terpstra (drink!) joins David and Katie this week to talk about the state of tagging on Mac and iOS. We discuss uses of tags, developing a tagging scheme, what you can do with tags, the turbulent history and hopefully bright future.
Katie is about to celebrate her one-year business anniversary. In this episode, she shares the hardware, software, and workflows she's using to pull it off. There are also a few hippie parts.
In this bonus episode, we Apple Distinguished Educator and Musician Shirantha Beddage and answer questions about lightning protection, starting a blog, how much iMac to buy, OCR accuracy, and follow up on Home Tech, must-have utilities and more.
iMore Editor in Chief Rene Ritchie joins the Mac Power Users this week to share his favorite tools, apps, and workflows for getting work done.
Katie and David share some of their favorite utilities for Mac users.
Writer, social media consult, and full-time geek Kelly Guimont joins the Mac Power Users to share her favorite Apple hardware, apps, and workflows.