Eddie Smith drops by to talk about life as an Actuary and the tools he uses to help students prepare for Actuary exams. Including culling through thousands of pages of reference material using DevonThink, creating equation-rich study guides with LaTeX and
David and Katie discuss Smart Folders with guest Joel Anderson. We also follow-up on texting workflows, managing large scans and OCR quality, journaling, compare Launch Center Pro and Workflow, talk about monitoring your home network usage, debate smart l
David and Katie discuss what to do when the worst things happen to your tech. We'll discuss malware, compromised passwords, stolen devices and more and what what you can do to prepare now to be ready when disaster strikes.
David and Katie dive deep into the new Workflow.app and discuss how it's a game changer for iOS Automation and provide sample workflows.
David and Katie talk with former Apple Genius Joe Ciati about troubleshooting your Mac. We discuss removing adware, explain Activity Monitor and Console, how to diagnose hardware and software problems and when you can attempt to fix something yourself and
David and Katie discuss the state of iCloud in 2015, where you should trust it, where you should take a pass, how it integrates with other services and peek at the new Photos.app.
David and Katie talk with Bonni Stachowiak, a professor at Vanguard University about providing better feedback, they also follow-up with listener comments about financial management apps, clarify FileVault, share their thoughts on antivirus, discuss upgra
Katie and David sit down with Adam Christianson of the Maccast podcast, one of the first Mac podcasts, to talk about his history with Apple, life as a programer, experiences through the years podcasting and Mac User Groups.
David and Katie run down their ten must have Mac Apps and 10 utilities for any Mac Power User
John Siracusa returns to Mac Power Users to update us on how his workflows have changed and life as an iPhone owner.
Thanks to MPU listener Jigar Talati for assistance with the shownotes this week!