From development and design to marketing and support, Under the Radar is all about independent app development. It's rarely longer than 30 minutes.



Latest Episodes

#178: 16-inch MacBook Pro

November 13th, 2019 · 29 minutes

A huge update to the computer that most of you are probably using.

#177: Operating in a Hostile Environment

October 30th, 2019 · 29 minutes

Energy logs, API-misuse terminations, and other unexpected ways our apps crash due to system policy enforcement.

#176: That's Great, Apple, But…

October 18th, 2019 · 29 minutes

Gather around the campfire as Uncle Dave tells the tale of how the conditions formed for today's App Store subscription scams.

#175: Moon++

October 3rd, 2019 · 29 minutes

David's new app, Moon++, and experiences working with SwiftUI and the standalone App Store on the Apple Watch.

#174: Always-On Apple Watch

September 18th, 2019 · 29 minutes

New possibilities for users and developers opened up by the always-on screen of the Apple Watch Series 5.

#173: Summer Report Card

September 4th, 2019 · 29 minutes

Our summers turned out very differently than we had planned.

#172: No News is Good News

August 19th, 2019 · 29 minutes

We didn't think we had anything to talk about, but then we discovered unit testing and version control.

#171: Customers, Audience, and Critics

August 8th, 2019 · 29 minutes

Recognizing three groups that only partially overlap, and how to prioritize the feedback we get from them.

#170: Spending Dan Riccio's Battery Surplus

July 24th, 2019 · 29 minutes

How we'd improve the Apple Watch by "spending" the power-efficiency gains likely to come in the next hardware update.

#169: The End of an App's Life

July 10th, 2019 · 29 minutes

Facing the tough decisions when you know, in your heart, that it's time.