Being pressured by users or reality into features or choices we don't think we should need to do.
Considering the potential benefits and ramifications of the rumored unified app framework between macOS and iOS.
David keeps a diary of what the day was like while he launched Workouts++ 2.0. It didn't turn out exactly how he'd hoped.
Our experiences and best practices we've found for App Store Search Ads after a year of use, and whether to use the new Search Ads Basic.
Getting from when you think it's 99% complete to being actually releasable.
Possibilities for value when apps don't bring in money directly.
Getting through long projects while maintaining motivation and perspective.
Rethinking designs now that we have the iPhone X in-hand.
Lessons from Overcast's public beta, and using Slack as a feedback and bug-reporting channel.
Prioritizing usability over design trends — even Apple's.