Upgrade looks at how technology shapes our lives, from the devices in our hands and pockets to the streaming services that keep us entertained.



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#254: Downgrade

July 15th, 2019 · 76 minutes

Normal episode's this. #askupgrade, Apple laptops and retail changes, Warner Media's HBO Max, and #snelltalk. Back are @imyke and @jsnell! Listen!

#253: Steal The Ball

July 8th, 2019 · 98 minutes

Guest Marco Arment joins Jason and Myke to discuss the possibility of new Apple laptop keyboards at last, his Overcast priorities over the next year, and the future of podcasting. Plus: Jony Ive cold takes, streaming-video wars, and cappuccino.

#252: The Hippie Gets a Haircut

July 1st, 2019 · 92 minutes

The Summer of Fun goes old school, as two of Jason's colleagues from back in the 1990s compare Apple's many transitions over the years to the ones Apple faces today. Also, if movies and TV shows aren't available via streaming, do they even exist?

#251: And Then You Eat the Ice Cream

June 24th, 2019 · 114 minutes

It's Public Beta time! This week we get Jason's review of the macOS Catalina beta. Also Upstream returns (half a billion for JJ Abrams?) and Myke at the Movies calls on "Kiki's Delivery Service."

#250: Building a Home Screen Together

June 17th, 2019 · 69 minutes

Jason and Myke kick off the The Upgrade Summer of Fun by building the official Upgrade iPhone home screen. 28 apps will be picked! Four will win coveted spaces in the dock! Rules will be invented on the fly! Also, we explain what a draft is.

#249: A Bridge to the Future

June 10th, 2019 · 94 minutes

This week we get over our WWDC hangover with a discussion of our favorite new iPadOS 13 features, then we take a look at Catalyst and SwiftUI, featuring an exclusive interview with Apple's Wiley Hodges and Josh Shaffer.

#248: Seven Layer Burrito of Innovation

June 3rd, 2019 · 96 minutes

The WWDC 2019 keynote was packed full with new announcements. Now, live from San Jose, Jason and Myke come together to talk about iOS 13, macOS Catalina, the introduction of iPadOS, and the new Mac Pro.

#247: The WWDC Keynote Draft 2019

May 27th, 2019 · 86 minutes

Jason and Myke compete in predicting what will happen during the WWDC keynote next week. Will there be new hardware? What will macOS be called? How many times will we see Tim Cook? This week we guess, but next week reality will be our judge

#246: You Can't Fight the Magnets

May 20th, 2019 · 79 minutes

With the WWDC draft a week away, Jason and Myke engage in a flight of fancy, discussing all their wishes for iOS and macOS developments that probably won't happen. Also, Jason has to retrieve his iPad.

#245: Get Ready for the Sensor Square

May 13th, 2019 · 95 minutes

Busy week this week: using old software, how third-party apps respond to Apple's app updates, a Supreme Court ruling, continued Apple Retail issues, new iPhone rumors, and iPad Pro keyboard reviews!