Presenting the Fourth Annual Upgradies! In this episode Myke and Jason discuss their favorites of 2017 across many categories, with important input provided by you, the Upgradians! Only the finest will walk away with the title of Upgradies Award Winner.
Just in time for Christmas, Jason and Myke look back at 2017 and reveal their 2018 wish lists. Then it's time for special guests to join us for a round of very special #askupgrade, the first-ever Upgrade Secret Santa, and Myke at the Movies.
Has Disney changed the future of streaming TV with its purchase of Fox? Has Jason bought himself an iMac Pro? Have Myke and Jason watched “The Last Jedi”? Yes to all of the above. (We save Star Wars until the end and fire off the Spoiler Horn.)
What do Amazon's battles with Google and Apple say about the strategies of the tech giants? Also, Jony Ive returns to the White Room, and Jason and Myke meet the hosts of their favorite podcasts in person for the first time.
All the Apple operating-system bugs in the world can’t stop us from discussing Jason’s office clean-out, holiday decorations, the new Kindle Oasis, and podcasting tools and techniques. And yes, in the end we have to discuss Apple’s terrible week.
Myke returns from his trip to catch up on everything Jason and John did on last week’s show. We also discuss Myke’s travels with the iPhone X, a possible update to the iPhone SE, and whether or not Apple should one day make a laptop that runs iOS.
The possibilities of an iMac with an A10 processor inside, the delay of the HomePod, Apple's understanding of professional Mac users, the return of Twitterrific for the Mac, and the proper way to refer to keyboard shortcuts.
Myke and Jason discuss the future of the iPad Pro and what in the world Apple is thinking as it develops an augmented-reality headset. We’ve also got updates on Apple’s TV venture, the future and influence of the iPhone X, and Apple Pay for iMessage.
Myke abandons the #plusclub for an iPhone X, and compares notes with Jason after a week of using Apple’s new phone. We also discuss Apple’s latest quarterly results, which show great news and the promise of a record-setting holiday quarter to come.
This week is all about the iPhone X, which Jason reviewed and now has in his hands to answer Myke's—and your—questions.