The Pen Addict with Brad Dowdy and Myke Hurley - Listen
So long, and thanks for all the pandas.
After Batterygate brings us to the realization that Apple is the corporate equivalent of a woman in tech, we try to distract ourselves with Switch games before making an announcement about the show.
With Georgia unable to work her new house and Bri's car in the shop, we look at other things that broke this week, like net neutrality and Patreon.
With more disturbing stories from Congress and Facebook opening up their platform to six year olds, we decide we'd be better off just letting Bri run all the industries.
Bri suffers through Justice League in the name of marital balance, Steve tries to justify paying for a Street Fighter Transformer, and Georgia copes with her new reality of his and hers VR rooms.
With Georgia off moving into her personal Holodeck, Bri drives Steve around town in her new car to talk about video games at high speed.
Georgia finally realizes how bad the US government is thanks to Facebook's nude photo collection, Bri doesn't need any stinking lootboxes to own people in Star Wars Battlefront, and Steve discovers just how far his robot hero has fallen.
In a week full of things we're happy about, we take the time to settle the big questions, like how to get your dog to send Animojis, and the legitimacy of Princess Peach's claim to the throne.
We destress from trying (and failing) to find empathy with racist Uber riders by gushing over the cast of the live action Lion King movie.
In which we look to Wolfenstein to take the fight to the Nazis, and to Apple to allow us to preorder the iPhone X to save us from bad Pixel screens.