This week, Brianna shares a heartwarming story about burning a Trump guild to ashes, Georgia is displeased with Disney, and Mikah is dismayed at the Google Memo. Steve showed up, which was brave, given that the Hearthstone expansion was released.
In which special guest Jessica Dennis joins us to help us come to peace with Homekit and kiss our 32 bit apps goodbye before the AIs come to kill us all.
In which Bri and Steve refuse to let Mikah and Georgia off the hook until they buy Splatoon 2.
We fly down to Florida to stay in the Star Wars hotel, and leave anonymous reviews for our barefoot seatmate on the plane. (Disrespecting personal space is the path to the Dark Side.)
What to say to your sexy therapist after witnessing a collision between a self-driving car and a kangaroo makes you spill your Pokemon McFlurry all over your KFC smartphone.
Hey baby, I'm swirked to gave ever to say it for drive.
In which Bri drives a Winnebago to DisneyQuest, Georgia tries to assassinate Steve via Canadian confections, and Mikah reveals his unusual beliefs about books.
Looking for some funny show description text here? Yeah, well. You don't always get what you want, do you? Sort of like America's goal to go on living if Trumpcare is passed. Ugh.
In which E3 has Bri lining up to buy a new Pokemon game, Mikah buying tickets to Japanese arcades, and Steve trying (and failing) to pronounce Mario's name correctly for a full hour.
No one should listen to this trainwreck of a WWDC show: Brianna gives you the full Brianna. Steve is happy(?), Mikah isn't down with Babadook pride, and Georgia is heterosexual.