Learn about getting the most from your Apple technology with focused topics and workflow guests. Creating Mac Power Users since 2009, one conversation at a time.



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#176: Everyday Automation

February 10th, 2014 · 97 minutes

Katie and David talk about the tips and tricks they use for automating their life. We discuss productivity through automation, the automated home and more.

Thanks to MPU listener Hay Oborn for assistance with the shownotes this week!

#175: Workflows with Federico Viticci

February 4th, 2014 · 92 minutes

Katie and David sit down with Federico Viticci of MacStories.net to talk about his amazing iPad workflows, the future of iOS, photo management and more.

#174: GarageBand for Everyone and Macworld 2014

January 27th, 2014 · 96 minutes

Chris Breen joins David and Katie to talk about all the things musicians and non-musicians can love about GarageBand. We also sit down with Paul Kent to talk about what's happening at Macworld/iWorld in March.

#173: 1Password Revisited

January 19th, 2014 · 99 minutes

Katie and David revisit the password manager 1Password, why it's important, what it does, how they use it and alternatives.

Thanks to MPU listener Jigar Talati for assistance with the shownotes this week!

#172: Workflows with Paperless Guru Brooks Duncan

January 13th, 2014 · 96 minutes

David and Katie talk with Brooks Duncan of DocumentSnap.com about his online business, the state of paperless and creating custom workflows for businesses and individuals.

#171: Photo Management

January 6th, 2014 · 92 minutes

Joined by guest Bradley Chambers, David and Katie tackle photo management.

Thanks to MPU listener Jigar Talati for assistance with the shownotes this week!

#170: 2014 Tech Resolutions

December 24th, 2013 · 78 minutes

David and Katie discuss some of their tech resolutions for 2014 including better utilizing network attached storage, less "fiddley" writing and more.

Thanks to MPU listener Hay Oborn for assistance with the shownotes this week!

#169: Workflows with Dr. Jeffery Taekman

December 22nd, 2013 · 87 minutes

David and Katie talk to Dr. Jeffery Taekman, a physician, researcher and educator at Duke. Jeff takes us through his various workflows for getting work done in his profession including using his iPad in his medical practice.

#168: Listener Feedback

December 15th, 2013 · 101 minutes

David and Katie sort through recent listener feedback and discuss a variety of topics including iPad stylus, cable cutting, offsite backup, home sound systems, tea brewing and more.

#167: Workflows with Brett Terpstra

December 9th, 2013 · 94 minutes

Long overdue, David and Katie sit down with the mad scientist himself, Brett Terpstra to talk about his setup, tagging and music. Drink

Thanks to MPU listener Jigar Talati for assistance with the shownotes this week!