In celebration of episode 150, Katie and David invite Mac Power Users listeners on the show to share their MPU inspired workflows. Topics include iOS information capture and automation, workflows from educators, home security automation, Devonthink, Spotl
David and Katie review the popular "Read it Later" services and discuss power user workflows for processing your reading.
Thanks to MPU listener Jigar Talati for assistance with the shownotes this week.
David and Katie review best security practices and discuss email encryption, VPN, password practices, data encryption, two factor authentication and more.
Thanks to MPU listener Jigar Talati for assistance with the shownotes this week.
David Wain returns to tell us how his workflow has changed since show 50. We talk about how David has become a one-man post production machine, jailbreaking, David's writing and collaboration workflows and more.
A frequent listener request, Katie and David recap the gear they use day-to-day.
David and Katie take a look at the new version of Keyboard Maestro and discuss what it does, how you can use it to automate tasks on your Mac, when you should use Keyboard Maestro over other automation tools and choosing the right tool for the right job.
David and Katie chat with Macworld Senior Editor Chris Breen to talk Music, Podcasting, Writing Workflows and his favorite Mac Gems.
David and Katie talk about the impending shutdown of Google Reader and their solutions for RSS
David and Katie take a break from their regularly scheduled programing to talk iOS 7, OS X Mavericks, new Apple Hardware and their thought on Apple's roadmap. We also have an update from Jean MacDonald about AppCamp4Girls.
David and Katie talk with Alex Lindsay about his travel adventures and tech.