Why don’t the worlds of mainstream tech and accessibility tech ever seem to collide? Shelly Brisbin, who keeps one foot in each, wants to know. She and her guests from both worlds chew over the news and trends of the day, mixing in an accessibility perspective.



Latest Episodes

#43: What Do Jazz Hands Look Like?

January 23rd, 2021 · 44 minutes

Audio description is a one-directional process, where the describer explains and the listener consumes. But what if you could make the relationship more dynamic, giving the AD consumer a way to ask questions? Meet the hosts of Talk Description to Me.

#42: Getting Productivity Done

December 29th, 2020 · 67 minutes

For many, Getting Things Done provides structure and a method for productivity. Your host is a stranger in this land, having used her own methods and tools to manage time and projects. My guests explain how a systematic approach has improved their lives.

#41: A Tech Year in Review

December 15th, 2020 · 88 minutes

From the technology impacts of COVID-19 to the ways Apple succeeded and didn't, here's Parallel's sendoff of 2020.

#40: iPhone 12/12 Pro Review part 2: Why LIDAR Matters

November 16th, 2020 · 41 minutes

In the second installment of my review of the new iPhone 12 and 12 Pro, I take some new accessibility features for a spin, including people detection, screen recognition, image description and text recognition.

#39: Fear the First Generation

November 10th, 2020 · 65 minutes

In a crossover episode with the Maccessibility Roundtable, we take a look at Apple's "One More Thing" event, mere moments after it ended. Hear about the M1 chip and three new Macs based upon it.

#38: iPhone 12/12 Pro Review, part 1

October 31st, 2020 · 27 minutes

How do Apple's iPhone 12/12 Pro stack up from an accessibility perspective? In part 1 of my review, I tackle some hardware basics. Do their size, weight, grippability, displays and camera features make them compelling options for those with disabilities?

#37: Getting Nerdy with Low Vision and Videoconferencing

October 17th, 2020 · 28 minutes

In this solo show, I talk about how I've set up and problem-solved for daily video calls and video podcasts. It's a lot! I've included helpful personal experiences and tips that apply whether you're using Zoom, Google Meet, Skype or Teams.

#36: I'm Aiming for Magic

October 6th, 2020 · 76 minutes

We talk about the many ways to implement home automation with or without a plan. Today's guests agree on a favorite platform, and they're here to tell you why.

#35: Beta Scavenger Hunt

September 16th, 2020 · 41 minutes

In what has become at least an annual tradition, I talk Android with two people who know it well, from mainstream and accessibility perspective. What's new in Android 11 and what are its best accessibility features?

#34: Ears for Ham

August 4th, 2020 · 68 minutes

The filmed version of "Hamilton" as presented on Disney+ has an audio description track. Some who have used it find the track lacking. Someone decided to do something about it. Find out how it happened, how it was done, and how one AD user reacted.