Why don’t the worlds of mainstream tech and accessibility tech ever seem to collide? Shelly Brisbin, who keeps one foot in each, wants to know. She and her guests from both worlds chew over the news and trends of the day, mixing in an accessibility perspective.



Latest Episodes

#13: That's Why I Love Screen Curtain

February 19th, 2019 · 73 minutes

Every tech-savvy person ends up helping some portion of her or his family get software installed, or spam banished. I wanted to find out how others do it, so I talked to fellow family tech supporters, who have also done this work professionally.

#12: I'll Take One of Everything

January 16th, 2019 · 75 minutes

Can you turn an iPad into your primary computer, and if you do that, is it the best choice you can make, or a stunt to talk about on podcasts? I pose these blunt questions to my iPad-dominant guests. And give you a bushel of links, too.

#11: Just the Accessible Tips

January 1st, 2019 · 19 minutes

Enjoy a few gifts from past Parallel guests. And as it turned out, there's great stuff for users of iOS, Android, macOS and Windows. And games!

#10: I Was Ready to Flip a Table

December 18th, 2018 · 81 minutes

Which is more fun; a thorough-going discussion of home automation tech, or Allison and Mikah geeking out on any subject? Fortunately, it's not necessary that you make a choice.

#9: I Just Personally Need Folders

November 21st, 2018 · 80 minutes

Shortcuts, not just the Siri ones, have the potential to change the way people use iOS. I talk with a couple of shortcut-makers. The enthusiasm is infectious.

#8: Film Struck Dead

November 6th, 2018 · 58 minutes

We gather to mourn the demise of the FilmStruck streaming service, a lifeline for cord-cutting fans of classic and art film, and a way to pass film history on to new generations. We also offer you an amazing array of links.

#7: Hey Guillermo!

October 23rd, 2018 · 65 minutes

Smart speakers have very much been a part of this fall's tech product announcement season. On this episode, we kick the various speakers and virtual assistants around, and give some thought to their place in our lives.

#6: Bring on the Darkness

October 10th, 2018 · 68 minutes

What is dark mode, or what should it be? How have the various mobile and desktop OS makers actually implemented the mainstream dream version of what users with visual disabilities have known for years as inverted colors?

#5: In My Heart I Want the Hot Blue

September 19th, 2018 · 81 minutes

I let the fall Apple event soak in for a couple of days before rounding up some folks to talk about it. Watches, phones, and new iOS features are all on the bill of fare. And Mikah and David share their Apple addictions.

#4: Eat Your Own Dog Food

September 4th, 2018 · 41 minutes

I'm talking to two CEOs who run small tech companies, and who, for my money, excel in communicating about what they're doing in honest, transparent ways. In other words, they don't speak Corporate-ese when they tell you about the things they make.